[Multi] RetroArch v1.9.14 disponible

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[Multi] RetroArch v1.9.14 disponible
Notre ami sunriseur USB nous informe que la Team LibRetro vient de libérer une nouvelle version de RetroArch, la version 1.9.14. Toujours et encore des améliorations, des corrections de bugs, des optimisations notamment pour l'API Vulkan, des efforts ont été fait pour éviter le crash lors de la capture d'écran. 
L'infrastructure des fenêtres d'émulation des Mailbox est très compliquée et doit être repensée pour pouvoir supporter correctement les captures d'écran. L'émulation est assez désagréable au départ et doit être considérée comme un hack. La prochaine version pourrait avoir un paramètre vous permettant de désactiver entièrement l'émulation des Mailbox. 
Mise à jour de Steam, les cores suivants ont été ajoutés :
- Caprice32
- gpSP
- Prosystem
- Beetle PSX
- bsnes
RetroArch Steam compte maintenant 26 noyaux au total, et le 27ème va bientôt être ajouté, EasyRPG ! Nous attendons avec impatience l'annonce de l'arrivée prochaine de nouveaux cores sur Steam. De nombreux autres changements sont listés ci-dessus, on y retrouve des évolutions sur Android, Lakka, Vulkan ou encore sur Wii U. 

Changelog 1.9.14


ANDROID/PLAYSTORE: Bump up SDK level to 30 to comply with Play Store policies
AUDIO/MIXER: Increase sample buffer padding
CHEEVOS: Disallow achievements when spectating netplay
CHEEVOS: Fix need-to-activate achievement logic for non-hardcore
CHEEVOS: Don’t queue rewind re-init if already on main thread
CHEEVOS: Ignore unofficial achievements unless setting is enabled
CHEEVOS: Use SSL host when available
CHEEVOS: Validate hashes for secondary discs in multi-disc games
CHEEVOS: Ensure placard is initialized on main thread when game has no achievements
CHEEVOS: Audit achievement settings defaults and visibility
CHEEVOS: Show error message when no password provided
CHEEVOS: Use widget for game loaded achievement progress
CONFIG: Honor config_save_on_exit when Reboot/Shutdown is called
DISK CONTROL: Focus on current content entry in Disk Control append/insert
FRAMEDELAY: Auto Frame Delay Improvements – swap interval handling, D3DX handling, and delay target resets also on core restart. It should now work with high refresh rates and also with Direct3D 10/11/12 drivers
INPUT/GYRO/ACCELEROMETER/ANDROID: Re-enable Gyroscope & Accelerometer when RetroArch resumes or regains focus
INPUT/HID: Fix gamepad disconnect on unrecognized HID device
LAKKA: Patch to fix keyboard typing
LAKKA: CD-ROM eject menu item
LAKKA/BLUETOOTH: Add option to remove pairing
LAKKA/SWITCH: Disable rumble gain
LAKKA/SWITCH: Disable cpu scaling, uses its own CPU governor
LOGGING: Logging cleanups. A bunch of unifications and reformattings (capitalizations, dots, quotes, prefixes etc). Also added a few missing things, such as Run-Ahead error logging and LED interface init logging when it is enabled.
NETPLAY: Networking – should not print country for a local lobby
NETPLAY: Added setting to allow/disallow players other than the host from pausing the game.
NETPLAY: Added a sublabel for netplay max connections.
NETPLAY: Fixed port override macro from not being set immediately after the port setting.
NETPLAY: Show passworded rooms on lobby
NETWORK: Make HTTP header parsing case insensitive
NETWORK/UPNP: Fixed memory leaks
NETWORK/UPNP: Added a task_queue_wait to prevent executing two nat tasks at once, so it’s also thread safe now
NETWORK/UPNP: Switch to a permanent lease time, but request it to be removed when we do netplay_free. Switch to a permanent lease time, but request it to be removed when we do netplay_free.
NETWORK/UPNP: Only use a single interface for UPnP, return on the first one found instead of iterating over all of them and opening them one by one
OVERLAYS: Revert changes
RETROFW: Add OSS audio
VIDEO/ROTATION: Always return false if rotation can’t occur. RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_ROTATION should return false when rotation has been forcefully disabled in frontend, that way the core can decide if aspect ratio should be rotated or not for vertical games. Useful for FBNeo for instance.
VULKAN: Avoid hard crash when capturing screenshot in emulating mailbox.
WIIU: Make wiiu_gfx_load_texture code safer
WIIU: Fix keyboard support.



Téléchargement : RetroArch v1.9.14
Merci usb
Lundi 06 Décembre 2021, 07:52 par tralala
Source : retroarch.com
07 décembre 2021, 13:31
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