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Accédez aux coordonnées de l’ensemble des techniciens professionnels recommandés par logic-sunrise 20 derniers dossiers et tutoriaux
26 janvier 2007
Plate-forme :
Wii U / Wii

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      ?     Quiet Wind In Irresistable Female     ?
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Release Date : 01/26/07            Format       : ISO                
Region       : USA NTSC            Size         : 90X50MB             
Platform     : Wii                 Filename     : qf-fcv        




Far Cry«, the award-winning franchise, makes its debut on
NintendoÆs revolutionary WiiÖ console.

The game that changed the way first-person shooters are
played is set to combine its renowned gameplay with the
groundbreaking Wii technology.

Through the eyes of Jack Carver, use the Wii Remote and
Nunchuck to drive, shoot, slash, jump, and climb your way
through a rebel-infested, tropical hell.

Your mission? Survive.





 QwiiF, faster than a disappearing fart in a convertible!