
1099 visiteurs sur le site | S'incrire

Accédez aux coordonnées de l’ensemble des techniciens professionnels recommandés par logic-sunrise 20 derniers dossiers et tutoriaux
20 janvier 2007
Plate-forme :
Wii U / Wii
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         ????????  ????? ????????           ???????????????  ???????? Bhl!???
       ?????  ??????????????                      ???????????????   ???
      ??        ???    ?        VORTEX PRESENTS       ?    ???        ??
       ??                                                             ?

           Date: ........[ 2007-01-20   ]   Files: .[ vortex-ssg.rar  ]
           Platform: ... [ Wii     ]        Packed: .......[ 90x50MB  ]
           Origin: ..... [ NTSC/USA     ]   Source: .........[ VORTEX ]
           Language: ... [ English      ]   region-free .....[        ]
         ?                                                          ?
       ??                                                             ??
     ???          ?????  ???                      ???  ?????        ?????
      ???? ???????    ??   ???  ?   ? ̦ ?   ?  ???   ??    ??????? ????
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            ??       ???????  ????  ??????  ????? ???????       ??
                       ???   ?        ??        ?   ???
                                  GAME iNFO;x=43&y=9


    ?                                                                   ??
    ? You don't need a surgeon's patience or precision to appreciate    ??
    ? this quirky, inventive, very likable remake of a remarkable       ??
    ? Nintendo DS game.                                                 ??
    ?                                                                   ??
    ?                                                                   ??
    ?                                                                   ??
    ?                                                                   ??
    ?                                                                   ??


           ?                                                      ?
         ???????        ?????                     ????        ???????
       ???     ?????  ??????????              ??????????  ?????     ???
     ????  ??  ??   ????  ??  ??????      ??????  ??  ???? ????  ??  ????
      ??????  ???? ?   ??????? ?   ???????    ? ???????   ? ????  ??????
          ?    ??       ???????                ???????       ??    ?
                                  GAME NOTES


    ? It's a beginning. Full raw dump, unscramble with "GOD/WOD         ??
    ? unscrambler 0.4" by xt5 avaliable at:                             ??
    ?;   ??
    ? It could be a while still until this image is playable            ??
    ? We hope this image dump will help developper for a loader,        ??
    ? homebrew or modchip yet.                                          ??
    ?                                                                   ??
    ? Have fun, enjoy.                                                  ??
    ?                                                                   ??


                       ???   ?        ??        ?   ???
            ??       ???????  ????  ????????????  ???????       ??
          ???  ????????   ????  ????? ?? ?????  ???    ????????  ???
        ????      ??   ?¦    ???  ?  ????  ?  ???    Ì?   ???     ????
      ???? ???????    ??   ???  ?   ? ̦ ?   ?  ???   ??    ??????? ????
     ???          ?????  ???                      ???  ?????          ???
       ??                          GREETiNGS                         ??
         ?                                                          ?


    ?        Thanks to all people that help us and support us.          ??
    ?                          NiG                                      ??


          ?    ??       ???????                ???????       ??    ?
      ??????  ???? ??  ??????? ?    ??????    ? ???????   ? ????  ??????
     ????  ??  ??   ????  ??  ??????      ??????  ????????   ??  ??  ????
       ???     ?????  ?????????? ??           ??????????  ?????     ???
         ???????        ????       OUR NEEDS      ????        ???????
           ?                                                      ?


    ?                        People : Maybe. You find US.               ??
    ?                        Affils : Looking for US site.              ??


           ?                                                      ?
         ????                                                   ?????
       ???   ?                                                  ?   ???
      ???       ???    ?                              ?    ???        ??
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         ???????    ???   ??????  ??? ?? ???  ??????   ???    ???????
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                                  ?  ????  ?
                                    ?    ?   Bhl!