Exult360 V1.5 : Un portage du moteur UltimaVII

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Exult360 V1.5 : Un portage du moteur UltimaVII

Le développeur Cancerous1 revient aujourd'hui nous livré une nouvelle version de son portage de Exult pour les consoles Jtag. Exult est un "game engine" pour les jeux Utlima VII The Black Gate et Serpent Isle. Cette nouvelle version intègre de nombreux correctifs que ce soit aux niveaux sonores ou graphiques, la gestion de la souris à également été beaucoup améliorée. Cancerous1 nous a même fait une version spécialement pour nous les Frenchy incorporant la langue française (si vous voulez la version anglaise elle est sur Xbins). Il précise avoir également intégré des cheats et des easter eggs, a vous de les trouver :P .Vous retrouverez toute la documentation des jeux dans Exult360\ULTIMA7\Documentation et Exult360\SERPENT\Documentation.


Commande :


- Maintenez LB pour ralentir la souris, RB pour l'accélérer.
- Stick de gauche pour déplacer la souris.

B = leftclick, hold to drag an item, or dblclick to interact
A = rightclick, hold to move or double click to move to a spot
X = Toggle Combat Mode
Y = Open Inventory
L3 = show button quick-refrence
BACK = toggle mouse mode/move with stick
START = Open Game Menu
RB+X = Show Map
RB+Y = Open Spellbook
RB+BACK = Show face stats
RB+START = Show stats
LB+A = Use keys (must have in inventory)
LB+B = Use lockpicks (must have in inventory)
LB+X = Eat food  (must have in inventory)
LB+Y = Count Party Gold
LB+START = Save Menu
LB+RB+L3 = Quit Game


Cheat code :


RT+LT+Y = God Mode
RT+LT+X = Hack Mover
RT+LT+B = Heal Party
RT+LT+A = Infravision
RT+LT+LB = Gold
RT+LT+RB = Level up Party
RT+LT+BACK = Pickpocket
RT+LT+R3 = Teleport
RT+LT+L3 = Archwizard Mode


Message original de l'auteur :


   It's taken a little longer than planned but I'm glad to be able to share
Exult360 in a playable state. Lot's of changes from the preview!

   Ultima7 is a fairly easy game to play, you talk to the people, learn about
their lives and what's happening in their world and the story will unfold.
While lacking glossy shaders and high res graphics, the game is a great
adventure with a good story and compelling charectors not found in a lot of
games now.

   Thanks a LOT to Razkar, Tuxuser, Blackwolf, Juggahaxor and anyone else
that tested numerous builds for me. Thanks to Ced2911, STK50, cOz, Node21,
Eviltar, Shane Gillespi, Uberfry and everyone else that helped with bugs,
and thanks as well as to to the Exult team and all the other friends I've
made along the way you've all been great and helped to make this possible.
Last but not least, thanks to Richard Garriot and the Ultima 7 team at
Origin for making a great game.

*fixed - FMOPL sound, Digital WAV sfx, Digital Ogg music, numerous other fixes.
*added - A couple easter eggs. And button mappings for cheats.

First you can hold LB to slow the mouse or RB to speed the cursor up.

The left stick moves the mouse, the right stick scrolls the screen

B = leftclick, hold to drag an item, or dblclick to interact
A = rightclick, hold to move or double click to move to a spot
X = Toggle Combat Mode
Y = Open Inventory
L3 = show button quick-refrence
BACK = toggle mouse mode/move with stick
START = Open Game Menu
RB+X = Show Map
RB+Y = Open Spellbook
RB+BACK = Show face stats
RB+START = Show stats
LB+A = Use keys (must have in inventory)
LB+B = Use lockpicks (must have in inventory)
LB+X = Eat food  (must have in inventory)
LB+Y = Count Party Gold
LB+START = Save Menu
LB+RB+L3 = Quit Game

The cheat commands are in there but try not to use them if you want to play
the game to the end, with them you can break scripts for the storyline.

RT+LT+Y = God Mode
RT+LT+X = Hack Mover
RT+LT+B = Heal Party
RT+LT+A = Infravision
RT+LT+LB = Gold
RT+LT+RB = Level up Party
RT+LT+BACK = Pickpocket
RT+LT+R3 = Teleport
RT+LT+L3 = Archwizard Mode

*You can get the latest Exult for your PC from exult.sourceforge.net as well
as general information on Exult's settings and etc, however they will not be
able to support any issues specific to this 360 build such as the controls.

**If you think you can improve upon my build you can grab the source from



Lundi 07 Février 2011, 08:45 par Razkar
Source : Cancerous1 / Xbins
07 février 2011, 09:49
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Merci pour la news Raz ;)
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07 février 2011, 14:14
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thanks man :)
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07 février 2011, 14:32
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Etonnant de voir un homebrew comme celui-la.

Il y a des gens ici qui jouent encore a ultima 7 ?
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07 février 2011, 16:33
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Ben c'était quand même un chouette jeu pour l'époque quand même, J'y est rejoué via exult sur PC y a 2 - 3 ans de ça.
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07 février 2011, 19:23
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Sa me rappel un peu populous.
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07 février 2011, 21:49
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merci, vieux souvenirs qui remontent ca fait toujours plaisir ;)
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07 février 2011, 21:49
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merci je test
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08 février 2011, 16:49
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Merci, que de vieux souvenirs!
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09 février 2011, 12:00
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sympa ça,

mais le jeux est il complet ?

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09 février 2011, 12:52
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merci raz pour la news
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10 février 2011, 12:41
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Quelqu'un l'a t'il testé au moins ?

Bizarre que tant en parles sans l'avoir utilisé...Image IPB
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Utilisateur en ligne
10 février 2011, 12:57
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Oui oui il est complet ...
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