ONElua Vita passe en v2r0

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PS Vita Psp
ONElua Vita passe en v2r0
L'équipe ONElua vient de mettre à jour son interprète de langage lua pour PS Vita / Playstation TV. La team qui comprend gdljjrod, davis, et robert galarga nous propose de découvrir la version v2r0 de ONElua Vita.
Développé à l'origine pour la PSP, ONElua évolue sur PS Vita /  Playstation TV, dans cette version les développeurs ont ajouté de nombreuses nouvelles possibilités, cela passe par le débogueur en temps réel pour corriger des bugs, ou encore l'ajout du support du MP3, vous pouvez utiliser maintenant des adresses https, compresser des fichiers ou des dossiers ou encore communiquer avec une partie streaming basé sur rinCheat de Rinnegatamante.



With the arrival of version 2.0, comes fairly new, v2.0 features list:
Fixed prints (%,ñ,... etc).
Change buttons.rumble.
Added a complete file system to support path work.
Removed "app0:" the partition, and added support writing on the route of the app.
Added sintaxis extended in strings, Operators "+, -, /, *, +=, -=, *=, /=". example print("Hello from " + "ONElua") -- Hello from ONElua
Added ONEdebugger - Real-time debugger errors in your scripts.
Added os.uri, lets you call “special” URIs on your PS Vita.
Added os.arg, You can invoke ONElua from another application, and know how it was called and if there is any special argument.
Added possibility to install themes, "LiveArea".
Added possibility to use protocol "https://" in the http module.
Added possibility to stream PSVITA screen to PC "Based on Rinnegatamante code and compatible with rinCheat Streamer PC app".
Fixed a bug in files.list 'times'.
Added Support to write/read from "savedata0:".
Reorder code and internal improvements.
Added Sound module, Support MP3 format.
Added sound.getid3() and sound.extractcover(), to handle mp3 files.
Added Camera module, you can manipulate both chambers, and apply some tricks.
Added function to compress file or folder, 'files.makezip()'
Updated function '', now get data of .sfo, eboot.pbp or VPKs/ZIPs.
Special thanks:
Xerpi - Fixed a bug more chatting with, as well as the help of his library vita2d.
TheFlow - Package installer based on his work.
Team Molecule - For their great work with Henkaku.



Téléchargement :  ONEluaVita2r0
Mardi 06 Décembre 2016, 11:53 par tralala
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