XMB Package downloader v0.10 par Devil303 disponible

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XMB Package downloader v0.10 par Devil303 disponible
Le développeur Devil303 est connu pour ses travaux sur la personnalisation du XMB, notamment avec ses contributions dans la team XMBM+, il est désormais de retour avec un mod complémentaire permettant de télécharger des fichiers PKG directement sur le disque dur interne depuis le XMB. Ce projet a muri et nous arrive désormais dans une release nommée "XMB Package downloader". 
L'auteur le nomme aussi XMBMPD, attention il faut posséder un compte PSN enregistré sur votre console pour détecter la région où vous êtes, il sera supporté par la plupart des CFW car il n'utilise pas de fichiers sprx personnalisés.

It allows you pick to pick from a set list of homebrew packages that can be downloaded directly to the internal HDD without the need for a USB key/Redirect which has been required up until now. The package gets installed automatically on completion of download just like any official $ony package. There is no option for background download unfortunately.
There are just 20 homebrews added so far but I plan on adding more if there is any interest/suggestions.
I havnt got this made into a pkg file yet so for now there are 3 steps to installing it after downloading the .zip :
1. Copy the XMBPKGDLR folder to dev_hdd0/game/
2. Replace the 3 xmls in dev_blind/vsh/resource/explore/xmb/
3. Replace the 3 files in your dev_hdd0/tmp/explore/xil2/music/xx/c/xxxxxxxxxxxx/ folder
*Note the "xx" folder will be different depending on your region for example "us","gb","ïe" etc. The "xxxxxxxxxxx" folder names seem to be random or based on console/user so you will just have to check yourself, there are normally only a few to choose from and Ive found the xml normally goes in the first folder, and the 2 png's in the last 2 folders.
Also note there are always risks writing files to flash so use this at your own risk, It is only a POC so there could be bugs in it and I havnt tested it in all the regions provided so feedback appreciated. If someone can figure out how to get it going without a PSN account ever being on the PS3 that would be sweet. I have also got this to download any file types so I could add links to sprx files etc but ive left that out for now as its not the most user friendly solution in its current state..
Another thing that I think is possible is to have the list of homebrew automatically updated on boot up using a custom xml. I have found where the link is in an sprx file.
Téléchargement : XMBPD v0.10
Vendredi 12 Février 2016, 09:38 par tralala
Source : Psx-place.com
12 février 2016, 10:29
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Et si le compte est banni ça fonctionne ou non ?
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12 février 2016, 12:52
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Merci pour la news
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12 février 2016, 14:25
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moi aussi j'aimerais bien savoir si ça fonctionne sur une ps3 bannie
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