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- → Affichage d'un profil : Aime: Razkar
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- Groupe Shining VIP
- Messages 6 098
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- Anniversaire Avril 26
#75120 le xbox live arcade se lache en mars
Posté par Razkar
- 16 février 2010 - 20:31
#69488 extension de jeux
Posté par
Sentenza djzuni
- 25 janvier 2010 - 09:53
salut a tous voila j ai recuperer l extension du jeux saboteur(la partie adulte) est je voulais savoir comment l integrer dans le jeux dans quel dossier faut t ils mettre l extension.
merci de pour vos reponses
merci de pour vos reponses
- Sentenza djzuni aime ceci
#72724 DIsque dur externe sur xbox 360
Posté par nissan01skyline
- 07 février 2010 - 18:34
Oui ok merci. Bizarre qu'une faille n'est pas encore était trouvé par les bigs hackers.
#71459 Lancer les 2 dvd de Mass effect 2 depuis xexmenu sans les graver???
Posté par Razkar
- 02 février 2010 - 18:49
il y a un patch qui est sorti pour mass effect 2 il permet de mettre les 2dvd dans le meme dossier et que le jeu ne demande plus d'inserer le 2ème DVD.
cf NFO:
Mass Effect 2 - 360h Edition v1.0
.x~~"*Weu. .ue~~%u. .n~~%x. .uef^"
d8Nu. 9888c .d88 z88i x88X 888. :d88E
88888 98888 x888E *8888 X888X 8888L `888E
"***" 9888% :8888E ^"" X8888X 88888 888E .z8k
..@8*" 98888E.=tWc. 88888X 88888X 888E~?888L
````"8Weu 98888N '888N 88888X 88888X 888E 888E
.. ?8888L 98888E 8888E 88888X 88888f 888E 888E
:@88N '8888N '8888E 8888E 48888X 88888 888E 888E
*8888~ '8888F ?888E 8888" ?888X 8888" 888E 888E
'*8"` 9888% "88& 888" "88X 88*` m888N= 888>
`~===*%"` ""==*"" ^"==="` `Y" 888
? Mass Effect 2 - 360h Edition v1.0 ?
? ?
? This is something I've spent the last week's worth of ?
? free time developing. I've seen interest in it on various ?
? forums so I thought I'd release it for everyone to enjoy. ?
? ?
? Simply combining all the game files for Mass Effect 2 ?
? in one folder will allow you to play without the need to ?
? swap discs. However the game will still nag you to do so ?
? quite frequently. I have removed this nag and single disc ?
? play is now seamless. ?
? ?
? I've also included a patch to remove the validity checks ?
? on game assets. This means you can now edit Coalesced.ini ?
? with a hex editor. Mass Effect 2 will lock up if you try ?
? to edit it in a text editor. I'm not sure if this is ?
? another check of file size or not. It doesn't give an ?
? error of any kind. You may be able to edit other files, ?
? but I have not tested this. I will take another look if ?
? it is determined that there are other checks performed. ?
? ?
? Special thanks to KrK for insipiring me to start on the ?
? disc check removal. A very special thanks to all the ?
? teams and talented people in the 360 scene, without them ?
? none of this would even be possible. ?
? ?
? Enjoy it while it lasts. Bioware/EA are sure to patch ?
? one if not both of these hacks in a future title update. ?
? ?
? - rolly poly / Team 360h ?
? ?
? ?
? ~~~~~~~~~ ?
? v1.0 ?
? ?
? * Based on retail US release of default.xex ?
? * Game asset files validity check removed. ?
? * "Insert Disc X" messsage removed. ?
? ?
? ?
? ~~~~~~~~~~ ?
? ?
? This release does not contain any copyrighted code. It is ?
? simply a PPF3.0 patch that alters existing xex files. You ?
? must have the 360 game files to make use of this release. ?
? ?
? ?
? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ?
? ?
? * Extract / copy all game files from both discs to ?
? different folders on your PC hard drive. ?
? ?
? * Copy the contents of disc 1 into the disc 2 folder ?
? overwriting any duplicate files, or vice versa without ?
? overwriting files. ?
? ?
? * Use xextool to decrypt and uncompress default.xex. ?
? ?
? xextool -e d -c u default.xex ?
? ?
? * Apply me2-360h.ppf to the uncompressed decrypted ?
? default.xex with you favorite PPF3.0 supporting app. ?
? ?
? * OPTIONAL: Use xextool to compress and encrypt the new ?
? patched default.xex. Doing so will only save 13Mb of ?
? 360 HDD space and is not required, the 360 won't care. ?
? ?
? * Use your favorite method of installing the game on ?
? your 360 HDD, or play from an external USB device. ?
? ?
? * Enjoy Mass Effect 2 without disc swapping, and with ?
? the ability to edit game assets. ?
? ?
? ASCii ART <3 ?
cf NFO:
Mass Effect 2 - 360h Edition v1.0
.x~~"*Weu. .ue~~%u. .n~~%x. .uef^"
d8Nu. 9888c .d88 z88i x88X 888. :d88E
88888 98888 x888E *8888 X888X 8888L `888E
"***" 9888% :8888E ^"" X8888X 88888 888E .z8k
..@8*" 98888E.=tWc. 88888X 88888X 888E~?888L
````"8Weu 98888N '888N 88888X 88888X 888E 888E
.. ?8888L 98888E 8888E 88888X 88888f 888E 888E
:@88N '8888N '8888E 8888E 48888X 88888 888E 888E
*8888~ '8888F ?888E 8888" ?888X 8888" 888E 888E
'*8"` 9888% "88& 888" "88X 88*` m888N= 888>
`~===*%"` ""==*"" ^"==="` `Y" 888
? Mass Effect 2 - 360h Edition v1.0 ?
? ?
? This is something I've spent the last week's worth of ?
? free time developing. I've seen interest in it on various ?
? forums so I thought I'd release it for everyone to enjoy. ?
? ?
? Simply combining all the game files for Mass Effect 2 ?
? in one folder will allow you to play without the need to ?
? swap discs. However the game will still nag you to do so ?
? quite frequently. I have removed this nag and single disc ?
? play is now seamless. ?
? ?
? I've also included a patch to remove the validity checks ?
? on game assets. This means you can now edit Coalesced.ini ?
? with a hex editor. Mass Effect 2 will lock up if you try ?
? to edit it in a text editor. I'm not sure if this is ?
? another check of file size or not. It doesn't give an ?
? error of any kind. You may be able to edit other files, ?
? but I have not tested this. I will take another look if ?
? it is determined that there are other checks performed. ?
? ?
? Special thanks to KrK for insipiring me to start on the ?
? disc check removal. A very special thanks to all the ?
? teams and talented people in the 360 scene, without them ?
? none of this would even be possible. ?
? ?
? Enjoy it while it lasts. Bioware/EA are sure to patch ?
? one if not both of these hacks in a future title update. ?
? ?
? - rolly poly / Team 360h ?
? ?
? ?
? ~~~~~~~~~ ?
? v1.0 ?
? ?
? * Based on retail US release of default.xex ?
? * Game asset files validity check removed. ?
? * "Insert Disc X" messsage removed. ?
? ?
? ?
? ~~~~~~~~~~ ?
? ?
? This release does not contain any copyrighted code. It is ?
? simply a PPF3.0 patch that alters existing xex files. You ?
? must have the 360 game files to make use of this release. ?
? ?
? ?
? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ?
? ?
? * Extract / copy all game files from both discs to ?
? different folders on your PC hard drive. ?
? ?
? * Copy the contents of disc 1 into the disc 2 folder ?
? overwriting any duplicate files, or vice versa without ?
? overwriting files. ?
? ?
? * Use xextool to decrypt and uncompress default.xex. ?
? ?
? xextool -e d -c u default.xex ?
? ?
? * Apply me2-360h.ppf to the uncompressed decrypted ?
? default.xex with you favorite PPF3.0 supporting app. ?
? ?
? * OPTIONAL: Use xextool to compress and encrypt the new ?
? patched default.xex. Doing so will only save 13Mb of ?
? 360 HDD space and is not required, the 360 won't care. ?
? ?
? * Use your favorite method of installing the game on ?
? your 360 HDD, or play from an external USB device. ?
? ?
? * Enjoy Mass Effect 2 without disc swapping, and with ?
? the ability to edit game assets. ?
? ?
? ASCii ART <3 ?
- Razkar aime ceci
#67330 XeXmenu 1.0, le nouveau XeXloader disponible !
Posté par nounours_59
- 17 janvier 2010 - 16:17
en tout cas le FTP sa marche nikel
sa sera toujours plus rapide de transferer les jeux par rj45 que par usb

sa sera toujours plus rapide de transferer les jeux par rj45 que par usb
- Razkar aime ceci
#67342 XeXmenu 1.0, le nouveau XeXloader disponible !
Posté par freexbox
- 17 janvier 2010 - 16:51
en tout cas ca ne fonctionne pas chez moi, écran noir apres avoir lancé XeXMenu !!
Merci ...
en tout cas ca ne fonctionne pas chez moi, écran noir apres avoir lancé XeXMenu !!
Merci ...
#61730 [ lol ] : Ixtreme LT : Money money money ! (vidéo)
Posté par Barbiche0
- 29 décembre 2009 - 20:16
Mouais... Je trouve ça moyen - on voit trop le mec de mauvaise foi qui crève d'envie d'avoir le LT et qui essaye de passer ça à la rigolade. Avec un petit peu de lèche sur les bords, bien évidemment.
- Dreamer, epileptik27, hougal et 2 autres aiment ceci
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