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[Multi] RetroArch 1.11.0 disponible

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Posté 30 septembre 2022 - 16:06



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Il aura fallu attendre quasiment 6 mois, mais voilà la Team LibRetro vient de publier le nouveau RetroArch 1.11.0, le meilleur émulateur multi-plateforme.
Le site officiel/blog n'est pas encore à jour, par contre vous pouvez trouver cette version stable sur le serveur officiel ici.

Changelog 1.11.0
3DS: Add unique ID's
3DS: Add bottom menu options
3DS: Set bottom_asset directory default
3DS: Only enable internal counter with CONSOLE_LOG defined
3DS: Set default bottom font values
3DS: Fix CIA installation issues
3DS: Support latest libctru
ANDROID: Gingerbread support
ANDROID: Touchpads support
ANDROID: Builtin Xperia Play autoconfig profile
ANDROID: Disable Feral GameMode for Android - only available on Linux
ANDROID: Add a configurable workaround for Android reconnecting devices
ANDROID/FDROID: Add F-Droid metadata to repo in Fastlane format
AUDIO/AUDIO MIXER: Add missing locks for thread safety
AUDIO/AUDIO MIXER: Fix audio mixer memory leak + remove redundant 'single threaded' rthreads implementation
AUTOSAVE: Change/improve exit behavior of autosave thread - if condition variable is signaled, the loop is ran another last time so we can do a final check/save before stopping the thread.
CDROM: Fix memory leak caught with asan - buf passed to filestream_read_file
CORE INFO/NETPLAY: Ensure current core info is initialized at runloop_event_init_core when netplay is enabled
CHEEVOS: Upgrade to rcheevos 10.4
CHEEVOS: Allow creating auto savestate in hardcore
CHEEVOS: prevent invalid memory reference if game has achievements but core doesn't expose memory
CHEEVOS: Release achievement badge textures when video driver is deinitialized
CHEEVOS: Re-enforce hardcore limitations once achievements are loade
CHEEVOS/MENU/MATERIALUI: Show achievement badge icons in MaterialUI driver
D3D9: D3D9 has been split up into two drivers - D3D9 HLSL (max compatibility, no shader support yet) and D3D9 Cg (dependent on deprecated Nvidia Cg runtime library)
D3D9/CG: D3D9 Cg driver fixed
D3D11: Fix overlay not showing up
D3D11/12: Reduce lag with WaitForVBlank - this rather simple addition seems to make D3D11/12 very very close to Vulkan/GLCore regarding input lag.
D3D11/12: Add waitable swapchains and max frame latency option
D3D11/12: Make waitable swapchains optional
DATABASE: Reformat 'rdb_entry_int' - Nitpick adjustments for database entries: Capitalize "Release Date", and remove space before : from Release Date rows which use integer
DATABASE/EXPLORE: Allow On-Demand Thumbnails in Explore menu
DISC CONTROL: Better Disc Control append focus
DOS/DJGPP: Add a workaround for libc bug
AUTOMATIC FRAME DELAY: Added slowmotion resiliency
AUTOMATIC FRAME DELAY: Added string representation for seeing the current effective delay without opening statistics
AUTOMATIC FRAME DELAY: Added "ms" to logging and "(ms)" to label just like in Audio Latency
GENERAL: Don't bake in OpenAL and libcaca by default unless explicitly enabled with configure switch.
GENERAL: Reduce amount of strlen calls
GENERAL: Reduce or simply sin/cosf calls
GFX: Fix readability and precision issues in aspectratio_lut
GFX: Add option to manually enable/disable automatic refresh rate switching
GFX: Enable automatic configuration of 'VSync Swap Interval'
GFX/FONT/FREETYPE: Use FT_New_Memory_Face - first read it from file to memory beforehand - this solves an asset extraction issue when selecting 'Update Assets' - apparently FT_New_Face keeps an open file handle to the font file which prevents it from being overwritten/deleted while the program is still running.
GFX/THUMBNAILS: Thumbnail aspect ratio fix
GFX/THREADED VIDEO: Optimizations, fixes and cleanups
GFX/VIDEO FILTERS: Add Upscale_240x160-320x240 video filter with 'mixed' method
GLSLANG: Fix compilation with ./configure --disable-builtinglslang - was missing linking against -lMachineIndependent and -lGenericCodeGen static libs
INPUT: Fix off by one error for input_block_timeout setting. Also default to 0 for this setting (pretty massive performance gain)
INPUT: Analog button mapping fixes
INPUT/HID/OSX: Fix DualShock3 support
INPUT/HID/LINUX: (qb) Disable HAVE_HID by default for now for Linux as long as there are no working backends for both
INPUT/HID/WINDOWS: (qb) Disable HAVE_HID by default for now for Windows as long as there are no working backends for both
INPUT/HID/WIIU: Fix DualShock3 support
INPUT/OVERLAY: Block pointer input when overlay is pressed
INPUT/REMAPPING: input_remapping_save_file - existing remapping file was needlessly reloaded
INPUT/REMAPPING: Add option to disable automatic saving of input remap files
INPUT/LINUX/UDEV: Fix lightgun scaling on Y axis
INPUT/LINUX/X11/LED: Add LED keyboard driver
INPUT/WINDOWS/LED: LED keyboard driver cleanup
INPUT/WINDOWS/WINRAW: Clear key states when unfocused
INPUT/WINDOWS/WINRAW: Fix pointer device position
IOS: iOS app icon fixes & revisions
LIBRETRO/SAVESTATES: Implement an api call for context awareness
LOCALIZATION: Add Catalan language option
LOCALIZATION: Fix some bad localization
LINUX: Make memfd_create call more backwards compatible by calling it through syscall - on older systems, you'll have to include linux/memfd.h for the MFD_ defines, and call memfd_create() via the the syscall(2) wrapper (and include unistd.h and sys/syscall.h for it work). We exclude linux/memfd.h header include because we already provide the MFD_ defines in case they are missing
LINUX/MALI FBDEV: Fix assertion failed on video threaded switch
MENU: Menu paging navigation adjustments
MENU: New Menu Items for disabling Info & Search buttons in the menu
MENU: Allow the user to use volume up/down/mute hotkeys from within the menu
MENU: Add missing sublabels for non-running Quick Menu
MENU: Reorganize Quick Menu Information
MENU: Savestate thumbnails - Savestate slot reset action
MENU: Allow changing savestate slots with left/right on save/load
MENU: Add 'Ago' to playlist last played styles
MENU: Add proper icons for shader items
MENU/MATERIALUI: Add icon for 'Download Thumbnails'
MENU/XMB: Add options for hiding header and horizontal title margin
MENU/XMB: Dynamic wallpaper fixes
MENU/XMB: Add Daite XMB Icon Theme
MENU/XMB/OZONE: Savestate thumbnail aspect ratio
MENU/XMB/OZONE: Core option category icon refinements
MENU/XMB/OZONE: Fullscreen thumbnail browsing
MENU/XMB/OZONE: Add playlist icons under 'Load Content'
MENU/XMB/OZONE: Thumbnail improvements
MENU/XMB/OZONE: Savestate thumbnail fullscreen + dropdown
MENU/XMB/OZONE: Prevent unnecessary thumbnail requests when scrolling through playlists
MENU/OZONE: Fix playlist thumbnail mouse hover after returning from Quick Menu
MENU/OZONE: Thumbnail visibility corrections
MENU/OZONE: Playlist metadata reformat
MENU/OZONE: Savestate thumbnail fixes
MENU/OZONE: Add savestate thumbnails
MENU/OZONE: Header icon spacing adjustment
MENU/RGUI: Savestate thumbnails
MENU/SETTINGS: Turn Advanced Settings on by default, this entire filtering of settings will need a complete rethink anyways
MENU/WIDGETS: Widget color + position adjustments
MIYOO: Exclude unused HAVE_HID for Miyoo
MIYOO: Enable screenshots
MIYOO: Enable rewind
NETWORK: Allow MITM server selection on OK callback
NETWORK: Replace socket_select calls
NETWORK: Implement binary network streams
NETWORK: Poll support
NETWORK: Check connect errno for successful connection
NETWORK: Get rid of the timeout_enable parameter for socket_connect
NETWORK: Fix getnameinfo_retro's port value for HAVE_SOCKET_LEGACY platforms
NETWORK: Define inet_ntop and inet_pton for older Windows versions
NETWORK: Define isinprogress function
NETWORK/NATT: Move natt files to "network"
NETWORK/NETWORK STREAMS: Add function netstream_eof
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix game CRC parsing
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Disable and hide stateless mode
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Change default for input sharing to "no sharing"
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Enforce a timeout during connection
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Disallow clients from loading states and resetting
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Special saves directory for client
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Ensure current content is reloaded before joining a host
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix client info devices index
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix input for some cores when hosting
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Memory leak fixes
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Force a core update when starting netplay
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix NAT traversal announce for HAVE_SOCKET_LEGACY platforms
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Refactor fork arguments
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix content reload deadlocks on static core platforms
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Disallow netplay start when content is not loaded for static core platforms
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Show client slowdown information
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Improve check frames menu entry
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Do not try to receive new data if the data is in the buffer
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Copy data on receive, even if the buffer is full
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix lobby sublabel CRC display on some platforms
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Support for customizing chat colors
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Small launch compatibility patch adjustments
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Support for banning clients
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Minor tweaks to the find content task
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Support for gathering client info and kicking
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix possible deadlock
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Initialize client's allow_pausing to true
NETWORK/NETPLAY: Disable netplay for unsupported cores - with stateless mode being disabled for now, there is no reason not to include this. Refuse to initialize netplay when the current core is not supported (no proper savestates support)
NETWORK/NETPLAY/DISCOVERY: Ensure fixed width ints on packet struct
NETWORK/NETPLAY/DISCOVERY: Support for IPv4 tunneling (6to4)
NETWORK/NETPLAY/DISCOVERY/TASKS: Netplay/LAN Discovery Task refactor - aims to prevent blocking the main thread while awaiting for the LAN discovery timeout; This is accomplished by moving the whole discovery functionality into its task and using a non-blocking timer to finish the task. Also fixes discovery sockets not being made non-blocking, which could cause the main thread to hang for very long periods of time every pre-frame.
NETWORK/NETPLAY/TASKS: Find content task refactor - fixes many issues along the way, including a couple of nasty memory leaks that would leak thousands of bytes each time the task ran. It also expands the original concept by matching currently run content by filename (CRC matching is always performed first though).
NETWORK/NETPLAY/TASKS: Find content task refactor - Ensure CRC32 is 8 characters long
NETWORK/NETPLAY/LOBBY: Add setting for filtering out rooms with non-installed cores
NETWORK/NETPLAY/LOBBY: Hide older (incompatible) rooms
NETWORK/NETPLAY/LOBBY: Add a toggleable filter for passworded rooms. In addition, move lobby filters into its own submenu for better organization.
NETWORK/NETPLAY/MENU: Chat supported info for the host kick submenu
NETWORK/NETPLAY/MENU: Localize relay servers
NETWORK/NETPLAY/MENU: Add client devices info to the kick sub-menu
NETWORK/NETPLAY/MENU: Path: Netplay -> Host -> Kick Client - Allows the host to kick clients. Allows the host to view client information: connected clients (names), status (playing/spectating) and ping.
NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Add net_ifinfo support
NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Enable partial LAN discovery
NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Change default UDP port to 19492
NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Do not multiply negative timeout values
NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Fix epoll's timeout parameter
NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Launch compatibility patch
NETWORK/NETPLAY/3DS: Launch compatibility patch
NETWORK/NETPLAY/3DS: Adapt POLL for 3DS platform
NETWORK/NETPLAY/PS3: Launch compatibility patch
NETWORK/NETPLAY/WII: Enable net_ifinfo for some features. In practice, this only allows the netplay's UPnP task to succeed on the Wii.
NETWORK/NETPLAY/WIIU: Launch compatibility patch
NETWORK/NETPLAY/SWITCH: Launch compatibility patch
NETWORK/UPNP: Attempt support for remaining platforms
NETWORK/UPNP: Support for IPv4 tunneling
ODROID GO2: Increase DEFAULT_MAX_PADS to 8 for ODROIDGO2, since that impacts the RG351[X] consoles. The RG351[X] have a USB host controller and can have an arbitrary number of USB gamepads.
ONLINE UPDATER: Online Updater menu reorganizing
OSX: Fixed items of system top menu bar on macOS
OSX: Revision to macOS app icon set
PLAYLISTS: Ensure history list will contain CRC32
PLAYLISTS: Fix CRC32 comparison - as state->content_crc has "|crc" suffix.
PS4/ORBIS: Orbis/PS4 Support using OrbisDev toolchain
PS4/ORBIS: Update xxHash dependecy
PS4/ORBIS: Shader cache
RETROFW: Exclude unused HAVE_HID for RetroFW
RETROFW: Support battery indicator on RetroFW
RETROFW: Enable menu toggle button on retrofw devices
SHADERS: Shader Preset Loading of Multiple additional #references lines for settings
SHADERS: Shader Load Extra Parameter Reference Files - this adds the ability to put additional #reference lines inside shader presets which will load additional settings. The first reference in the preset still needs to point at a chain of presets which ends with a shader chain, and subsequent #reference lines will load presets which only have parameter values adjustment. This allows presets to be made with a modular selection of settings. For example with the Mega Bezel one additional reference could point at a preset which contained settings for Night mode vs Day mode, and another reference could point to a preset which contained settings for how much the screen should be zoomed in.
SHADERS/MENU: Increase shader scale max value
SCANNER/DC: Fix Redump bin/cue scan for some DC games
SCANNER/GC/WII: Add RVZ/WIA scan support for GC/Wii
SCANNER/PS1: Improved success rate of Serial scanning on PS1 by adding support for the format
SCANNER/PS1: Changed return value of detect_ps1_game function to actuially return a failure when the Serial couldn't be extracted. Scanner will then fallback on crc check, and usually ends up finding the games in the database.
SWITCH: Enable RWAV (WAV audio file) support
STRING: Do not assume char is unsigned
TASKS: More thread-awareness in task callbacks
TASKS: Fix race condition at task_queue_wait
TVOS: Revised tvOS icons w/ updated alien.
VFS: Fix various VFS / file stream issues
VULKAN: Fix more validation errors
VULKAN: Attempt to fix validation errors with HDR swapchain. Always use final render pass type equal to swapchain format. Use more direct logic to expose if filter chain emits HDR10 color space or not
VULKAN/ANDROID: Honor SUBOPTIMAL on non-Android since you'd want to recreate swapchains then. On Android it can be promoted to SUCCESS. SUBOPTIMAL_KHR can happen there when rotation (pre-rotate) is wrong.
VULKAN/DEBUG: Automatically mark buffer/images/memory with names
VULKAN/DEBUG: Move over to VK_EXT_debug_utils. Debug marker is deprecated years ago.
VULKAN/HDR: Fix leak of HDR UBO buffer
VULKAN/BFI: Fix BFI (Black Frame Insertion) regression
WINDOWS: Fix exclusive fullscreen video refresh rate when vsync swap interval is not equal to one - refresh rate in exclusive fullscreen mode was being incorrectly multiplied by vsync swap interval, breaking swap interval functionality at the gfx driver level
WIN32: Do optimization for Windows where we only update the title with SetWindowText when the previous title differs from the current title
WIN32: Skip console attach when logging to file
WIN32: Remove black margins with borderless non-fullscreen window
WIN32/TASKBAR: Release ITaskbarList3 on failed HrInit - pointer wasn't NULL'd, thus set_window_progress would cause weird behavior
WII/GX: Fix potential datarace
WIIU: Implement sysconf and __clear_cache
WIIU: Add OS memory mapping imports
UWP: Added launch protocol arg 'forceExit' so a frontend can tell an already-running RetroArch UWP instance to quit.
UWP: Enable core downloader/updater
UWP: Remove copy permissions as its inefficient as we can just directly assign the new ACL and that works
Xbox/UWP: Remove expandedResources
Xbox/UWP: UWP OnSuspending crash fix
Xbox/UWP: Enable savestate file compression by default for UWP/Xbox - got told there are no more issues with it
Xbox/UWP: Add support for 4k to angle on xbox for MSVC2017 build



Téléchargement : RetroArch 1.11.0

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Posté 30 septembre 2022 - 16:50



    Sunriseur avancé

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sacré change log, hâte de tester sur ps4 linux, merci tralala

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Posté 30 septembre 2022 - 19:39




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Modifié par geoffrey343434, 26 juillet 2023 - 18:08.

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Posté 30 septembre 2022 - 21:16




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L'antivirus qui s'affole en installant, je pense pas de soucis comme a chaque fois mais ca le fait aussi chez vous ? (version windows)
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Posté 30 septembre 2022 - 21:55



    Sunriseur avancé

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Je vois PS4/Orbis support dans le changelog mais pas de build PS4 sur le site.
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Posté 02 octobre 2022 - 13:19




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Youhou peut être enfin un net play en lan fonctionnel sur vita
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