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Inscrit : 17 Aug 2009
Hors-ligne Dernière activité : Aug 17 2009 22:29

Messages que j'ai posté

Dans le sujet : Un XBMC en préparation sur Xbox 360 par une team privée

17 August 2009 - 20:43

This news is very much incorrect, and is misquoted from an out-of-context conversation. The XBMC team has nothing to do with development on the Xbox360. If any development is taking place to run XBMC on that platform, it is from a COMPLETELY different group of devs unrelated to the team.

I realize this is an innocent mistake, however this false information is bound to spread very quickly. I would appreciate a retraction or follow-up article explaining the mistake. You're welcome to contact me via the email address on the contact page.

TheUni - XBMC PR Manager