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Dans le sujet : ps3 4 k 4.60 erreur 80010017

05 septembre 2014 - 19:51

Oui j'ai bien pris le pack LS. L'eboot ne des jeux sont bien dedans.

Dans le sujet : ps3 4 k 4.60 erreur 80010017

05 septembre 2014 - 19:00

####### Cobra ODE Configuration file ######
# This sample cobra.cfg file lists all the options that the Cobra ODE supports
# Each option is explained and an example is given
# Uncomment the option by removing the # in front of it to enable the option
# Recommended configuration is :
# PS3 superslim users who updated to the 4.55 firmware must also enable the protection bypass
# and must refer to the user manual for instructions on how to use their ODE on 4.55
# manager.type
# Sets the type of manager for game selection.
# Options are :
# disabled: Manager is disabled, iso game is loaded directly from game.path option
# homebrew: Cobra Manager is loaded. Requires manager.iso file (default)
# custom: A custom manager is loaded. Requires manager.iso file and iso.X options
# custom: A custom manager is loaded and /COBRA directory is populated. Requires manager.iso file and iso.X options
# browser: Cobra Browser is generated. Requires browser.iso file
# manager.on_reboot
# Return to manager mode when the PS3 reboots
# Default value is 0
# manager.on_eject
# Return to manager mode when a disc is ejected
# Default value is 1
# game.path
# Sets the path of the iso to load if manager.type=disabled is set
# manager.disctype
# Defines the type of disc to appear when the manager is loaded
# This is useful for increased stealth by making the browser appear as a bluray disc
# or for experimenting with custom managers appearing as ps1 games or DVD movies for example
# Options are :
# cd: Appear as a burned CD-ROM
# dvd: Appear as a burned DVD
# bd: Appear as a Bluray Disc
# ps1: Appear as a PS1 game
# ps2: Appear as a PS2 game
# ps3 : Appear as a PS3 game (default)
# game.disctype
# Defines the type of disc to appear when an iso is loaded
# This is only useful for experimenting with custom types of discs when the game is of a different
# type. Like for example, a PS2 game appearing as a DVD data disc to explore its content from the XMB
# Options are :
# cd: Appear as a burned CD-ROM
# dvd: Appear as a burned DVD
# bd: Appear as a Bluray Disc
# ps1: Appear as a PS1 game
# ps2: Appear as a PS2 game
# ps3 : Appear as a PS3 game
# If the value is not set, the default setting will depend on the type of iso being loaded
# iso.X.sector
# Set a custom trigger sector in the manager to load the iso specified at X.
# Up to 500 iso can be specified and the sector value specified must be in hexadecimal
# Only valid when manager.type=custom or manager.type=custom+homebrew
# iso.X.path
# Set the path of the iso to load when the associated sector is trigger.
# Up to 500 iso can be specified and the sector value specified must be in hexadecimal
# Only valid when manager.type=custom or manager.type=custom+homebrew
# Options are :
# dvd: Iso is a DVD Movie
# bd: Iso is as a BD Movie
# ps1: Iso is a PS1 game
# ps2: Iso is a PS2 game
# ps3 : Iso is a PS3 game (default)
# iso.X.type
# Set the type of the iso to load when the associated sector is trigger.
# Only valid when manager.type=custom or manager.type=custom+homebrew
# eject.sector
# Set a custom trigger sector in the manager to enable the auto-eject feature.
# The sector value specified must be in hexadecimal
# Only valid when manager.type=custom or manager.type=custom+homebrew
# hdd.poll
# Set the interval in seconds for the ODE to poll the HDD to prevent it from idling.
# Set to 0 to disable the feature. Default value is 1
# game.type
# Defines the type of game of the iso specified in game.path if manager.type=disabled is set
# Options are :
# dvd: Iso is a DVD Movie
# bd: Iso is as a BD Movie
# ps1: Iso is a PS1 game
# ps2: Iso is a PS2 game
# ps3 : Iso is a PS3 game (default)
# disc.unsupported
# Disables the "Inserted disc is not supported by the COBRA database"
# Is useful for switching to a PS2 game or dumping an unsupported game
# If the disc is not supported in the database, the game will not launch.
# eject.add_menu
# Adds a menu to the XMB when a PS3 game is loaded to return back to the manager
# This is useful for superslim users who do not have the "Remove Disc" option in XMB
# Forces the ODE to work in Passthrough Mode
# eject.delay
# Specify the delay in milliseconds between the moment the disc is ejected and the moment the
# disc is reloaded into the tray for QSB systems (2k, 2k5, 3k and 4k)
# The default value is 1000ms
# leds.disable
# Disable a LED color. This is useful for people who find the LED annoying when trying to sleep
# Disabling one color can affect combined colors. For example, when loading a DVD movie
# which shows a white LED (green, red and blue), disabling the green LED will show a
# purple (blue, red) color instead.
# Options are :
# 0: No color disabled (default)
# 1: Disable blue LED
# 2: Disable red LED
# 3: Disable blue and red LED
# 4: Disable green LED
# 5: Disable green and blue LED
# 6: Disable red and green LED
# 7: Disable all LED colors
# bypass.4.55
# Bypass the new 4.55 firmware authentication on superslim models. Refer to the user manual for
# instructions on how to bypass the new authentication system
# mcu.underclock
# Underclock the MCU to 180MHz. This will make the ODE use less power and generate less heat.
# This can be helpful if your ODE heats up and freezes often.
# By default, the MCU runs at 270MHz.

Dans le sujet : Probleme mode PT sur PS3 Slim

09 novembre 2013 - 23:19

Bon ben j'ai voulu refaire les soudure et j'ai fait n'importe quoi. J'ai donné ma console a Modchip83. Je vous tiens au courant du retour.